Monday, October 10, 2011

Parks & Recreation

I'm in love with this show!!! I just finished watching all the episodes on Netflix and it's hilarious. All the characters are super funny. Donna has to be my favorite though.

What Up?

So this is the first blog post!!!! Ahhhh! I don't really wanna talk about myself at all in this blog or anything like that. I hate when people have blogs about themselves, it's very self-centered and vain. I am going to talk about certain interests I have though, and other things that I think people will find interesting. There's gotta be more to life than talking about myself. I want a blog that makes people think or that is actually interesting. Let's hope I can live up to my own standard. As a journalism major, I figured starting a blog would help me write about certain topics and be able to voice my opinion on certain things. This also is the most boring post ever, so it can only get better from here right? I hope :/